Welcome to! This is a website designed for helping roleplayers from all backgrounds learn to use various platforms to roleplay (or find roleplays) by providing in-depth information and usage guides. We aim to provide information not on just "how to use" the platform, but also cultural notes, allowing users to move between roleplay communities and locate those that are best suited for their roleplay style and interests.

Connecting with Other Roleplayers

Roleplaying is a popular online hobby, but meeting other roleplayers can be difficult— especially if you aren't sure how to get started. Some people have never roleplayed before at all, but would like to start; others may be seasoned roleplayers seeking variety by branching out from their favorite platforms; and others still may be returning after a long hiatus. hopes to be of use to any and all roleplayers— everywhere, regardless of experience, skill level, or interests.

Using This Website is meant to be a comprehensive guide to using each of the platforms listed in its pages. Our goal is not only to list places to find roleplays, but also help you to utilize each resource to its fullest extent. By consulting with people who use each venue, I've created (or I am working on) detailed write-ups of how to use them: not just strictly things like "what subreddit to post on" or "which Discord servers to join," but also cultural notes, best practices, things to avoid, and general advice! I want to arm you with everything you need to start finding roleplay partners in a new place as effectively as possible.

And YOU Can Help!

This website is a work in progress and probably will be for a very long time. It's a labor of love by myself and lots and lots of other people. If you would like to help, consider messaging me on Tumblr, where I can be found at heyeinin all the time. Alternative methods of contact are detailed on the Contact page. If you want a private reply, the only way to guarantee this is by leaving contact information like a Discord handle, e-mail address, Tumblr URL, etc. for me to reach out to you directly. Thank you for your help!


15 JUNE 24 — Fixed darkmode due to knowing how Javascript works now.

23 JULY 23 — After more than six months of radio silence, I live again! I've coded a new layout... again! Which is hopefully better than the one before. Again. Haha.

3 DEC 22 — Coded a new webpage because the one I had made before was a pain on smaller screens. This one should be a little more effective at holding things together... and look better, too!